The lesson to the government is to learn from call bypass technology, lower taxes, and price of calls. Low taxes and price also increases government revenue because call hours increases as call price decreases. And, increase in call hours increases revenue. It is in the favor of welfare of the people. They can talk more hours about their business and their relatives as well. In nutsell, the solution of the problem is to lower tax, increase competition and adopt technology. Let us take it as a lesson for our advancement.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Economic Lesson from An Illegal Call Bypass in Nepal
The lesson to the government is to learn from call bypass technology, lower taxes, and price of calls. Low taxes and price also increases government revenue because call hours increases as call price decreases. And, increase in call hours increases revenue. It is in the favor of welfare of the people. They can talk more hours about their business and their relatives as well. In nutsell, the solution of the problem is to lower tax, increase competition and adopt technology. Let us take it as a lesson for our advancement.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Nepal Loosing Global Competitiveness

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
US$ and Indian Rupees Exchange Rate

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Importance of Economic Freedom to Development
Volatility of Inter-Bank Rate in Nepal

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Importance of Economics
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Satellite is Used to Forecast Production and Sales
As part of a growing trend among hedge funds, surveillance is being used to gather market-moving information. It is early warning or information system about the performance of the business. There are two surprising facts about how production and business performance can be forecasted.
First, on August 6, 2010 Russian government announced it was shutting down the grain exports because of production are going to decline in
How they forecast the production of agricultural product? Satellite has been used to estimate the production of agricultural crops. An analytical firm Lanworth Inc. scrutinized satellite images of
Second, by counting the cars in Wal-Mart’s parking lots month in and month out, ‘Remote Sensing Metrics’ analysts were able to get a fix on the company’s customer flow. From there, they worked up a mathematical regression to come up with a prediction of the company’s quarterly revenue each month.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Public Vs Private Enterprises
Therefore, there is only one alternative of PEs that is to make long term strategy to liquidate them and encourage private sector. Problem in liquidation arises only from one side that is from incumbent staffs and workers. There is also a solution for it. The existing capable staffs can be transferred to government sector. For example, dairy development corporation (DDC) can be liquidated and its staffs can be transferred to "Gunastar tatha Naap Taul Bivag" (Quality Control Authority) of government, where they can play a crucial role for regulation and monetoring the dairy industry. Similar procedure can be applied to other PEs like NOC, Sajha etc. Government should have a regulatory role, instead to participate in the commerce.
Private sector growth is the people's growth.Private business are the people's business.If one want to serve people with an expectation to earn profit then there is no reason for the government to block their business. Let us give a chance to private sectors in petroleum supply, electricity distribution, water supply etc. It is a key to development for Nepal. In Nepal, many private businesses performed well services. We can see the private sectors in various industries like internet services,telecommunication, banks, airlines which have good regulations of the government almost performed well in Nepal. Let us think out-of-the-box.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Market and Sports in Nepal
An example is here. National football player Sandip Rai has joined Mohammedan Sporting Club, Kolkata, a second division Indian football club. Rai, who had left for Kolkata with Sapan Das last week, signed with the club on Friday. Rai will get Rs 1.2 million for an eight-month contract. Rai who played for Three Star Club in the Martyrs Memorial League last season had signed with Manang Marshyangdi Club (MMC) about a month back for Rs 40,000 per month.
Rai has become the second Nepali footballer to play professional football in India in the last two years. Anil Gurung last season played professional football from Shillong Lajong, an I-League team of India. Gurung received Rs 6.3 millions for a three-year contract. His team has been relegated in the current season.
Unless there is economic growth in the country, sports also doesn’t grow. Expansion of the market spills over to the sports man and to the sports club. Moreover, the sport events also get sponsors. It expands opportunities for the players. Let us expect from market rather than from government.