Friday, November 11, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Freedom for Innovation
The collection of quotes from micro blogging for condolences on the death of Steve Jobs as published in the article of Wall Street Journal “China Frets: Innovators Stymied Here” depicts why democracy and freedom are important for innovation. Some of the quotes are below: .................................. # In a society with an authoritarian political system, monopolistic business environment, backward-looking culture and prevalent technology theft, talking about a master of innovation? Not a chance! Don't even think about it.
# China may be the manufacturer of the world, but many are frustrated that Chinese companies are better at knocking off others' original work than coming up with innovative ideas. “If Apple is a fruit on a tree, its branches are the freedom to think and create, and its root is constitutional democracy. An authoritarian nation may be able to build huge projects collectively but will never be able to produce science and technology giants."
# "And its trunk is a society whose legal system acknowledges the value of intellectual property."
Monday, September 19, 2011
Power of Economic Growth Rate
A simple approach to explain the importance of growth is the power of growth rate. Small difference in economic growth rates between countries can result in very different standards of living for their people in the long run. Thus, it necessary to think ab

A growth rate of 3 percent per annum leads to a doubling of GDP within 24 years, whilst a growth rate of 8% per annum (say, China and India between 2000 and 2010) leads to a doubling of GDP within 10 years. This depicts the fact that how does a number matters. It also illustrates that how quality of life of people of Nepal is lagging behind people of India and China.
This is explained in the table of Power of Economic Growth Rate. Here is a hypothetical GDP of 1000 unit in 2010. It is calculated that how many years it require to double the GDP. The growth rate, 4 %, is the average economic growth rate of Nepal since 2001 to 2010.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Is Government Planning to Make Poor to Less Poor and Richer to Poor?
Even in free market government has tax and expenditure instruments to save poor. Here, In Nepal most of us think only about distribution. But, distribution without growth is meaning less. First, let us grow and then distribute a part of it. " if any people want to invest and earn money by employing people voluntarily then it is not wise to intreven in their business. Let them to serve people through their business and allow them for business under law and with strong quality control and consumer rights. This can rise living standard of people and develop Nepal. However, the current government has been unable to use the thrust of private sectors and making people of Nepal "Poor to less poor and Richer to Poor". Let us think on it.
[ In nutshell, {(100+5)+(1000-500)}, the government is adding 5 decreasing 500. How much it contributs to growth?]
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Changing Relative Prices in Nepal
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Liberalization is Most
Government is not a creator of wealth, but, only inefficient distributor of wealth. It receives income from one who work and provides it to those who are lazy and inefficient like lawmakers. Even though government tries to create wealth, it is remains inefficient in it. We can take examples of Nepal Electricity Authority, Nepal Oil Co., Nepal Airlines, Nepal Food Co. etc. We compare these with private organizations, which are more efficient in creating employment, consumption and services to Nepali people. Government has provided only 3 percent employment and remaining 97 percent are either unemployed, self employed, or work at private organizations. If private companies are able to increase employment and consumption, why we need government in commercial activities.
If we observe from production, consumption and welfare side, liberalization has done a lot. In spite of these benefits, why people expect very much from government? Why our lawmakers are against liberalization? Development is an outcome of freedom in thinking, freedom to work, freedom to earn, freedom to express, freedom to innovate. All these are in liberalization.
In Nepal, knowingly, unknowingly or either due to circumstances of BoP crisis Dr. Lohani has done a good job during mid 1980s i.e., liberalization.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Tax Payers' Question ?
There is an article which rightly advocates in favor of taxpayers right. Why should the tax payers’ money of a poor nation like Nepal be spent to pay the huge losses of Janakpur Cigarette Factory, that of all the commodities produces cigarettes, can’t compete with its private sector rivals?
Whatever few PEs are making, profits are because they enjoy virtual or actual monopoly markets and not because they are efficient. For instance, despite its poor services Nepal Telecom Ltd (NTL) earns a huge profit, simply because its competitors are too small and too new to challenge its domination in the lucrative market. Other monopolists like Nepal Electricity Authority and Nepal Oil Corporation that enjoy huge captive markets are not as lucky as NTL; with chronic ills like oversized structure, swollen staff, wasted resources, high leakage in operation and corruption their financial health is very poor. The condition of other PEs too, is not very different.